News Flash--High Desert

News Flash--High Desert Bee Pollen just recieved the highest ORAC antioxidant score of all of the whole foods yet tested!

The C C Pollen website was established to provide information about Bees, beehive social structure, and Superfoods from the beehive - Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly and Bee Propolis. Our Beehive Tour is a really cool tour where you can meet all the different bees in the beehive and find out all about beehive society. Our other tours feature Products of the Beehive and they explain why these Superfoods are the health supplements of the future. Many modern health supplements feature a single compound or nutrient, isolated from it's natural source, and purified for standardization. But complexity is what nature is all about. C C Pollen believes that nutritional complexity and the synergy that occurs between nutrients in natural foods is the key the healthiest diet. All people should benefit from a diet that includes a rich assortment of living, bioactive whole-food nutrients. That's why Superfoods from the beehive are the future of nutrition. So, if you want the healthiest diet, go back to the future! Enjoy our tours, and then join the Beehive!

Royal Jelly is another of Nature's Superfoods

Royal Jelly is a special substance of the beehive.

Royal Jelly is solely responsible for the incredible transformation of a queen bee from an ordinary worker bee. The queen bee begins life genetically identical to any of the sexless worker bees. A group of bees called Nurse Bees produce Royal Jelly for the hive. Thay eat large amounts of Bee Pollen to use as the raw ingredients for the production of Royal Jelly by their bodies. The Nurse Bees then secrete Royal Jelly by their pharyngeal glands. The Royal Jelly is fed directly to the "Queen To Be". Soon after starting this diet she is transformed into a larger, superior bee. She matures one and a half times faster than normal bees. She also grows 40% larger in size and weighs 60% more. During her life she will lay over 3 million eggs, which weigh more than 3500 times her body weight. She will live 5 to 7 years while the workers only live 7 to 8 weeks. All this is possible due to the miracle of royal jelly!

What Is The Composition of Royal Jelly?
Royal jelly is so complex that it has not yet been possible to fully analyze it. Of course, it is impossible to synthesize it in a lab! We do know that it contains the following: natural hormones, all of the B-complex vitamins, and it is rich in pantothenic acid. It also contains nucleic acids, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids (especially Omega 3's), acetyl choline, lecithin, collagen and gamma globulin - a key component of the immune system. Of all of the Superfoods, Royal Jelly is the most intriguing, both nutritionally and effectively!


WHERE NATURE BEGINS Part One What is Bee Pollen?
While most people recognize the term bee pollen, many people do not know what bee pollen actually is or what it has to offer. Bee Pollen is one of nature¹s unique and most powerful foods. It is flower pollen that bees collect for food. Bee pollen offers a treasure trove of special plant nutrients. Here are some of the qualities that make Bee Pollen unique:
1. The nutrients found in Bee Pollen are extremely high quality. Not only does bee pollen contain high quality nutrients that can be burned as fuel, it also provides nutrients that are helpful in maintaining and promoting health.
2. The nutritional makeup of Bee Pollen is extremely broad spectrum. The wide range of nutrients found in Bee Pollen include polyphenols, enzymes, beneficial fatty acids, free amino acids, vitamin complexes, chelated minerals and trace elements, as well as a large array of phytonutrients that have yet to be identified. This nutritional diversity makes Bee Pollen an ideal dietary supplement as a complement and boost to a well-rounded diet.
3. The nutrients in Bee Pollen are very concentrated. This nutritional density means that even small amounts provide effective and valuable levels of important nutrients. In other words, bee pollen, as a food source or as a supplement, provides low volume, but high intensity, nutrition.
An important question is, how did bee pollen become such a superfood? In nature, everything happens for a reason. Pollen¹s primary function is to act as the male spore in the reproductive cycle. It is not necessary for pollen to be nutritious to fulfill that duty. The reproductive spores of other plants and animals are not nutritious. So how and why did bee pollen develop into such a unique, broad-spectrum source of nutrients? To answer that question, we must first examine the relationship between flowering plants and bees, and see how that relationship evolved over time.

The Bee Propolis Story

What is Bee Propolis?

In preparing to write this article, it became apparent that the subject of propolis is as complex as the substance itself. To appreciate propolis, in modern day terms, one must realize what propolis meant to ancient cultures. To understand the significance of propolis to man, one must first understand its significance to bees. And to understand what propolis means to bees, one must understand what its raw material, tree resin, means to trees. Finally, to decipher what propolis means to science, and how propolis fits into the framework of biological science and the eco-system, we must first understand, fundamentally, the process and the goals of scientific research. We have tried to give an overview of all of these topics in this article.

Propolis in the Beehive

The word PROPOLIS is reputed to have been coined by Aristotle, from the Greek words pro (before) and polis (city), meaning, Before The City, or Defender Of The City. In his writings, Aristotle showed a remarkably accurate and detailed knowledge of bee propolis. The name, Defender Of The City², is a very appropriate term to describe the role of propolis in the beehive.
Bees use propolis to virtually encase the inside of the hive. It is used to caulk and seal every crack, and a very thin coat of propolis is spread over the surfaces of the honeycomb cells, inside and out. This is important for the prevention of infection in the honeycomb. Propolis is used to sterilize the honeycomb cells that contain the larvae, as well as the cells that store the honey and bee pollen. Propolis is also used extensively at the entrance of the hive to form an elaborate, winding tunnel. Bees literally have to crawl through a tight tunnel of propolis to enter and leave the hive. In this way, bees are cleansed of microbes as they enter the hive, and the sterility of the beehive is maintained. In fact, the beehive is the most sterile environment found in nature. The fact that this structure, located in the wild, and full of food and organisms, can be kept free of disease and infection is quite remarkable. In very real terms, propolis functions as the natural defense and immune system of the beehive.
Bees collect tree resin for propolis, just as they collect pollen and honey for food. Although it is still a matter of debate, research indicates that the chemical structure of resin is altered by the bees secretions during the collection process. Bees work the resin with their front legs, while adding saliva and beeswax to the mixture. The saliva and other secretions are catalysts for biochemical changes within the propolis. The resin is passed to their back legs for storage in their pollen sacs. Bees then transport the resin back to the hive, where it is stored or used.
Bees show definite preferences for certain species of tree resins in their collection of propolis. It appears that bees have unerringly identified the highest quality, and most appropriate raw material to use for propolis. The bees¹ secretions then transform the resin to optimize the benefits of prop

Monday, September 8, 2008

Bee Propolis

Bee Propolis dikenal juga sebagai "Russian Penicillin" yang merupakan antioksidan kuat, anti-mikroba, dan antibiotik alami yang dihasilkan oleh lebah. Tidak seperti antibiotik pada umumnya yang mana dapat melemahkan sistem kekebalan tubuh kita, HD Bee Propolis membantu meningkatkan sistem pertahanan tubuh kita secara alami.
Penunjang Daya Tahan Tubuh Alami
Manusia memiliki suatu sistem pertahanan tubuh yang sangat kompleks, terdiri dari berbagai macam sel, jaringan, dan organ, yang mana dapat membantu menjaga kita agar tetap sehat. Sistem ini bekerja selama 24 jam setiap hari untuk melawan semua mikroorganisme berbahaya yang dapat mengancam kesehatan tubuh kita. Tahukah Anda bahwa lingkungan tempat kita hidup dikelilingi oleh jutaan bakteri, virus, serta mikroorganisme lain yang berbahaya?
Ketika kita terluka, bakteri dapat memasuki tubuh kita dengan mudah. Pada saat kita mengonsumsi makanan pun, terdapat ribuan kuman dan bakteri didalamnya. Kuman dan bakteri tidak dapat terlihat oleh mata telanjang. Apabila sistem kekebalan tubuh kita tidak bekerja dengan baik, maka kita dapat dengan mudah terserang penyakit akibat dari virus atau bakteri yang masuk dan berkembang didalam tubuh. Oleh karena itu kita perlu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh kita agar dapat melawan bakteri dan kuman, serta mencegah agar kita tidak mudah jatuh sakit. Bee propolis yang berasal dari sarang lebah dapat membantu meningkatkan serta menjaga sistem pertahanan tubuh Anda agar dapat berfungsi dengan baik.
Apakah Bee Propolis itu? Propolis berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu "pro" (sebelum) dan "polis" (kota). Bee propolis secara umum dapat diartikan "sebelum masuk sarang lebah", yang bermakna pelindung sarang lebah dari faktor-faktor berbahaya yang terdapat di luar sarang. Propolis merupakan substansi resin (sejenis getah tanaman) yang berasal dari kulit kayu dan pucuk-pucuk tanaman, terutama dari tanaman poplar (Populus spp.), birch (Betula spp.), atau conifer (sejenis pinus), yang dikumpulkan oleh lebah dan kemudian dicampur dengan lilin dan air liur lebah. Propolis digunakan untuk melindungi pintu sarang lebah yang mana akan mensterilkan setiap lebah yang masuk. Selain itu lebah juga menggunakan propolis untuk memperbaiki sarang mereka yang retak atau rusak. Lebah sangat rentan terhadap infeksi bakteri dan virus karena lebah tidak memiliki sistem kekebalan tubuh. Lebah sangat tergantung pada propolis untuk menjaga menjaga agar sarang, koloni telur, dan larva lebah didalamnya tetap steril dan terlindung dari penyakit.
Bahan-bahan yang terkandung dalam bee propolis sangatlah kompleks, dan lebih dari 200 komponen telah teridentifikasi. Secara garis besar, propolis terdiri dari 50% balsam (fraksi polifenol), 30% getah, 10% minyak esensial, 5% pollen, serta 5% zat organik dan anorganik¹. Kandungan polifenol yang tinggi di dalam bee propolis berfungsi sebagai anti-bakteri, anti-virus, anti-jamur, antioksidan, anti-peradangan, serta meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh. ¹Kosalec I, Bakmaz M, Pepeljnjak S, Vladimir-Knezevic S. Quantitative analysis of the ?avonoids in raw propolis from northern Croatia. Acta Pharm. 54 (2004); 65-72. Manfaat Bee Propolis o Membantu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh secara alami Bee propolis yang kaya akan kandungan polifenol, dapat membantu meningkatkan produksi serta aktifitas sel-sel imun²,³.
o Sebagai sumber antioksidan yang tinggi Beberapa penelitian telah membuktikan bahawa bee propolis dapat membantu melawan radikal bebas yang berbahaya bagi tubuh kita. Radikal bebas adalah atom aktif dengan jumlah elektron yang berlebihan atau kurang, sifatnya tidak stabil, dapat terjadi secara alami di dalam tubuh kita ataupun terjadi karena faktor lingkungan seperti asap rokok dan polusi. Apabila radikal bebas ini bereaksi dengan komponen sel yang penting dalam tubuh manusia maka akan menyebabkan terjadinya kerusakan atau bahkan kehancuran sel, dan mengakibatkan timbulnya penyakit degeneratif (jantung, hipertensi, diabetes) ataupun kanker. ²Orsi RO, Funari SRC, Soares AMVC, Calci SA, Oliveria SL, Sforcin JM, Bankova V. Immunomodulatoryaction of propolis on macrophage activation. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins. Volume 6, Number 2. 2000.3Orsolic N, Knezevic AH, Sver L, Terzic S, Basic I. Immunomodulatory and antimetastatic action of pro-polis and related polyphenolic compounds. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2004; 94: 307-315.?Kumazawa S, Hamasaka T, Nakayama T. Antioxidant activity of propolis of various geographic origins. Food Chemistry. 84 (2004): 329-339.?Ichikawa H, Satoh K, Tobe T, Yasuda I, Ushio F, Matsumoto K, Endo K, Ookubo C. Free radical scaven-ging activity of propolis. Redox Report. Vol 7. No.5.2002:347-350.o Sebagai anti-mikroba Propolis sangat efektif melawan bakteri, virus, dan jamur yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan tubuh seperti bakteri yang dapat menyebabkan radang tenggorokan, virus yang menyebabkan flu, bakteri dan jamur yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi pada kulit, dan bahkan bakteri yang dapat menyebabkan diare.o Membantu mengatasi peradangan~ Kandungan senyawa CAPE (Caffeic Acid Phenetyl Ester) yang terdapat di dalam bee propolis berfungsi sebagai anti-peradangan~ Bermanfaat juga untuk mengatasi peradangan pada luka 7 sehingga luka dapat segera sembuh. o Membantu melindungi jantung Dengan kemampuannya yang dapat membantu menurunkan LDL (kolesterol jahat) dan trigliserida, serta meningkatkan HDL (kolesterol baik), bee propolis membantu menurunkan resiko terjadinya penyakit jantung. o Membantu mengatasi tukak (luka) pada lambung~ Bee propolis membantu mengatasi tukak lambung dengan cara mengurangi kerusakan yang terjadi pada dinding lambung, serta mengurangi derajat keasaman dan jumlah asam lambung yang diproduksi10.~ Kemampuan bee propolis sebagai anti-mikroba dapat membantu melawan aktifitas bakteri Helicobacter pylori, yaitu bakteri penyebab tukak lambung7. Stepanovic S, Antic N, Dakic I, Svabic-Vlahovic M. In vitro antimicrobial activity of propolis and synergism between propolis and antimicrobial drugs. Microbiol Res. 2003; 158(4): 353-357.?Banskota AH, Tezuka Y, Kadota S. Recent progress in pharmacological research of propolis. Phyto-therapy Research. 2001; 15: 561-571.8Borrelli F, Ma?a P, Pinto L, Ianaro A, Russo A, Capasso F, Ialenti A. Phytochemical compounds in-volved in the anti-in? ammatory e?ect of propolis extract. Fitoterapia 73 Suppl. 1 (2002): S53-S63.?Fuliang HU, Hepburn HR, Xuan H, Chen M, Daya S, Radlo? SE. E?ects of propolis on blood glucose, blood lipid, and free radicals in rats with diabetes mellitus. Pharmacological Research. 51 (2005): 147-152.10De Barros MP. E?ect of Brazilian green propolis on experimental gastric ulcers in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology.2006.
Mengapa HD Bee Propolis yang terbaik?"Aktifitas antioksidannya sangat tinggi, yang mana 1 gram propolis memiliki kemampuan aktifitas antioksidan 400 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan 1 gram jeruk."HD Bee Propolis juga memiliki kandungan polifenol yang tinggi. Semakin tinggi kandungan polifenol maka semakin tinggi daya anti-oksidannya. "Diproses dengan metode ekstraksi khusus yang menggunakan temperatur rendah, yang secara efektif dapat menghilangkan semua bahan yang tidak murni dalam propolis, serta sekaligus me-lindungi akti?tas dan kandungan nutrisi yang terdapat didalamnya. Dianjurkan bagi: Mereka yang ingin meningkatkan sistem imunitas, terutama bagi mereka yang mudah terserang penyakit. Petunjuk penggunaan: Dewasa : 1-2 tablet atau 2-4 kapsul, satu hingga dua kali sehari , ½ jam sebe-lum makan. Anak-anak: 1-2 kapsul, satu kali sehari, ½ jam sebelum makan.Jika kondisi kesehatan Anda sedang menurun, konsumsilah 1-3 tablet, tiga kali sehari. Setelah sembuh, kurangi dosisnya menjadi dua kali sehari. Isi per kemasan: ~ HD Bee Propolis Capsule: 60 kapsul, dengan kandungan 200 mg propolis, 40 mg bee pollen, dan 10 mg rose hip per kapsul. ~ HD Bee Propolis Tablet: 60 tablet, dengan kandungan 500 mg propolis per tablet.

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